Docela hrozná myšlenka pro všechny, kterým skončila škola v červnu a v září jdou zase nanovo. O to náročnější myšlenka to je pro ty, kteří v květnu odmaturovali a od té doby vlastně.. Dělali nic!
A co zásadního se v poslední době stalo?
-kousla mě ryba do nohy
-přečetla jsem první knihu v angličtině
-přečetla jsem první knihu o jídle, která nebyla kuchařka a byla v angličtině
-když jsem spala, skočila na mě ještěrka
-zaplavala jsem si 3km na čas jentak
-řídila jsem auto na švýcarské dálnici
-po asi 8 letech jsem udělala něco podobného tomu, čemu se říká most
A tak dále a tak dále. Co se týče sportu, díky Kola Víšek mám letos cca o 2 kila lehčí kolo, které přehazuje, nepadá mu řetěz a tak (ne že bych tím narážela na své předchozí excelentní kolo!), z čehož mám tedy velkou radost a moc jim děkuji!
Jinak, začala jsem pomalu plavat (a snad brzy už ne pomalu), na kole jsem ujela 40km v kuse (s pomocí Dana do kopců, děkuju!) a uběhla 3km v kuse! Na žádný pořádný zavodění to zatím není, ale po zranění člověka potěší skoro cokoliv.. Snad se poslední víkend v Jablonci postavím na start Českého poháru - a pokusím se to uplavat, ujet i uběhnout. Tak uvidíme. Snad.
Mezitím jsem kempovala s mojí rodinou po Švýcarsku, předtím taky navštívila velmi, velmi vzdálené příbuzné taktéž ve Švýcarsku, a pak zjistila, že se mi to vážně hrozně líbí ve Švýcarsku. Načež jsme vyzvedli Dana, ze kterého jsme se rozhodli udělat správnýho Čecha a tak jsme ho vzali do typicky české prázdninové destinace - na týden pod stan do Chorvatska.
K té knize - Eat & Run od Scotta Jurka - a konečně jsem se dozvěděla něco o veganství. Zrovna mě slova
jako: jsem vegan
jako: jsem vegan
nebo: neměla bys 10minut před startem jíst tu Snickersku
nebo: 4 hamburgery z mekáče k obědu nejsou úplně nejlepší nápad
úplně nevzrušovala, a i když jsem se snažila poslední půlrok jíst trochu lépe než obvykle, moc jsem od této knihy nečekala - takže vzhledem k tomu, že mě donutila uvažovat o veganství jako super nápadu a o ultraběžcích ne jako o cvocích běhajících něco totálně šíleného, ale jako o sportovcích zvládajících něco neskutečného, něco, co bych teda asi jednou ve velmi vzdálené budoucnosti chtěla zkusit.. Zvládají něco, co třeba někteří zvládnou jentak uřídit autem (ehm), prostě, běžet 100mil v kuse musí být velmi, velmi očišťující. K tomu docela náročný a zároveň zajímavý život Scotta - takže, pro mě jedna z nejlepších knih za posledních pár měsíců a asi si zkusím ještě nějakou další knížku/knížky o jídle nebo sportu přečíst.
Včera v 5 ráno jsem přijela zpátky do ČR a to vedro waaau. Chorvatsko 33, Praha aspoň 40 :D... Chorvatsko:Praha 1:0
Tak si všichni užívejte léto!
(P.S.nezapomeňte na fotky dole!)
Quite difficult thought for kids going to school at September again (Czech students, until they graduate at high school have typically holiday from 1st July till the last of August). Much worse thought for these that graduated at May and since then have done literally.. Nothing!
And what has happened in the past days?
-fish bit me (jerk)
-I read my first book in english
-I read first book about food which wasn't a cookbook and it was in english
-when I felt asleep a lizard jumped on me
-I swam 3k in the pool literally just for fun
-I drove a car on Swiss highway
-after maybe 8 years or so I was able to do something close to the thing called Wheel
And so and so much more interesting stories. Anyway, about sport, this year I have thanks to Kola Víšek a 2kg lighter bike than last year, that is changing gears, not dropping chain (I am not trying to be sarcastic about my previous excellent bike!), and so thank you Kola Víšek - I'm very happy to ride that bike this year!
And I slowly started swimming again (hopefully not so slow soon), was able to handle a 40k bike ride (with Daniel's help in hills), and made a 3k run with no stopping! No big deal for some serious racing but after injury I'm happy with every small step. Hopefully at the end of August I'll try Czech Triathlon Cup at Jablonec n. Nisou and my main goal will be to finish!
In the meantime I have been camping - with family in Switzerland, after visiting my really, really not close relatives and I realized I had fallen in love with Switzerland. Later, we got my boyfriend and took him with us for one more week of camping - to the "Czech vacation land" - to Croatia.
And about the book - Eat&Run by Scott Jurek - and finally I got to know something about vegans. Eventhough it's pretty true that the words like
-I'm vegan
-eating Snickers 10minutes till the race is not really smart
-eating 4 hamburgers for lunch is even less smart
haven't ever disturbed me, and even that I tried for last 6months to eat healthier, I didn't excpect much from that book - but the joke was I really enjoyed this book. Now I can consider vegan as a really interesting idea of eating and ultrarunners don't seem like insane people to me anymore. I guess once in future I would try some ultra - just I think that 100mile run can be really redeeming. They're able to run distances that some people are almost not able to drive (ehm), but Scott's life was quite challenging and interesting and that makes this book one of the most interesting ones I've read in last months. I guess I'll try another eating or sporting book again soon!
I arrived at 5 a.m. yesterday back to Prague - and the weather is crazy here! Warmer than in Croatia that lies 9h car drive southern. Crazy Prague Sahara!
So enjoy your summer guys
(P.S: don't forget to check out pictures below!)
Včera v 5 ráno jsem přijela zpátky do ČR a to vedro waaau. Chorvatsko 33, Praha aspoň 40 :D... Chorvatsko:Praha 1:0
Tak si všichni užívejte léto!
(P.S.nezapomeňte na fotky dole!)
Quite difficult thought for kids going to school at September again (Czech students, until they graduate at high school have typically holiday from 1st July till the last of August). Much worse thought for these that graduated at May and since then have done literally.. Nothing!
And what has happened in the past days?
-fish bit me (jerk)
-I read my first book in english
-I read first book about food which wasn't a cookbook and it was in english
-when I felt asleep a lizard jumped on me
-I swam 3k in the pool literally just for fun
-I drove a car on Swiss highway
-after maybe 8 years or so I was able to do something close to the thing called Wheel
And so and so much more interesting stories. Anyway, about sport, this year I have thanks to Kola Víšek a 2kg lighter bike than last year, that is changing gears, not dropping chain (I am not trying to be sarcastic about my previous excellent bike!), and so thank you Kola Víšek - I'm very happy to ride that bike this year!
And I slowly started swimming again (hopefully not so slow soon), was able to handle a 40k bike ride (with Daniel's help in hills), and made a 3k run with no stopping! No big deal for some serious racing but after injury I'm happy with every small step. Hopefully at the end of August I'll try Czech Triathlon Cup at Jablonec n. Nisou and my main goal will be to finish!
In the meantime I have been camping - with family in Switzerland, after visiting my really, really not close relatives and I realized I had fallen in love with Switzerland. Later, we got my boyfriend and took him with us for one more week of camping - to the "Czech vacation land" - to Croatia.
And about the book - Eat&Run by Scott Jurek - and finally I got to know something about vegans. Eventhough it's pretty true that the words like
-I'm vegan
-eating Snickers 10minutes till the race is not really smart
-eating 4 hamburgers for lunch is even less smart
haven't ever disturbed me, and even that I tried for last 6months to eat healthier, I didn't excpect much from that book - but the joke was I really enjoyed this book. Now I can consider vegan as a really interesting idea of eating and ultrarunners don't seem like insane people to me anymore. I guess once in future I would try some ultra - just I think that 100mile run can be really redeeming. They're able to run distances that some people are almost not able to drive (ehm), but Scott's life was quite challenging and interesting and that makes this book one of the most interesting ones I've read in last months. I guess I'll try another eating or sporting book again soon!
I arrived at 5 a.m. yesterday back to Prague - and the weather is crazy here! Warmer than in Croatia that lies 9h car drive southern. Crazy Prague Sahara!
So enjoy your summer guys
(P.S: don't forget to check out pictures below!)
Švýcarsko je super. Odshora fotky - domeček naproti Rheinfalls (vodopád s největším průtokem v Evropě), 3 fotky z výšlapu na Ebenalp a poslední se sestřičkou z Lugana.
Switzerland is amazing. The pics - 1st house against the Rheinfalls, then three pics from Ebenalp hike and last one is me and my sister in Lugano.
Ale Chorvatsko je klasika a selfie tyč je fakt sranda! (Daniel&já)
But Croatia is the real classic and selfie stick is crazy fun! (Daniel&me)
Having chill with my perfect bike <3
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